<a href=SALE AGREEMENT REGISTRATION" width="1200" height="788" />

<a href=SALE AGREEMENT REGISTRATION" width="1200" height="788" />

A Sale Deed is a legal instrument whereunder a person can voluntarily transfer his/her rights, title, and interest in immovable property to the other person in consideration. Sale agreement is an instrument that grants rights to the property which is purchased by the buyer. Sale Deed/Sale agreement is an important document for buyer as well as the seller. In other words, a Sale Deed is proof of purchase. Sale Deed Registration/ Agreement for sale registration can be done in India.

We call Sale agreement by many names like Purchase and sale agreement, home purchase agreement, house purchase agreement, property sale agreement, purchase and sale contract.

When consideration is fully paid then on execution immediate possession will be given to the purchaser and the same is termed as the agreement of sale with possession.

Let’s see an example about Sale deed – Person “A” sell his house or land to person “B”. The legal document for this will be through a Sale agreement Registration which they both execute.

Laws related to Sale deed/Sale Agreement is specified under Section 54 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.

Sale agreement is also known as purchase and sale agreement, home purchase agreement, house purchase agreement, property sale agreement, house sale agreement, purchase and sale contract, sell purchase agreement.

When we purchase or sell non-residential property like a shop or godown then we call such agreements – commercial property purchase agreement.


There are 2 types of Sale deed – 1. Sale of movable property means the sale of the kind. 2. Sale of immovable property means land sale agreement or agreement for the sale of flat.


विक्री करार हा कायदेशीर दस्तऐवज आहे जो पक्षास एका व्यक्तीकडून दुसर्‍याकडे मालमत्ता हस्तांतरित करण्यास सक्षम करतो. मालमत्ता हस्तांतरण कायदा १82 18२ च्या कलम 54 अन्वये याची व्याख्या केली गेली आहे; “विक्री” म्हणजे मालमत्तेचे हस्तांतरण म्हणजे अदा केलेल्या केलेल्या किंमतीच्या बदल्यात. अशा प्रकारे विक्री करार न करता, मालमत्तेच्या हस्तांतरणाचे प्रमाणित करण्याचा कोणताही पुरावा नसतो, त्यानंतर मालमत्तेचे हस्तांतरण सुलभ करण्यासाठी कोणताही पुरावा उपलब्ध नाही.


विक्री करार एक कानूनी दस्तावेज है जो एक पार्टी को एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति को संपत्ति हस्तांतर करने में सक्षम बनाता है। इसे संपत्ति हस्तांतरण अधिनियम, 1882 की धारा 54 के तहत परिभाषित किया गया है; "बिक्री" एक कीमत के भुगतान या वादे या अंश-भुगतान और आंशिक-वादा के बदले में स्वामित्व का हस्तांतरण है। इस प्रकार, बिक्री विलेख के बिना, संपत्ति के हस्तांतरण को सत्यापित करने के लिए कोई सबूत नहीं होगा, आगे संपत्ति के बाद के हस्तांतरण की सुविधा के लिए कोई सबूत नहीं होगा।


Let’s see the draft Sale agreement for understanding, however, it is always recommendable that you have to draft the Sale deed through the Sale Deed lawyer.



This Sale agreement made this ______________2020 between;

Mr. __________________, Age ____years resident of ________________________________ (hereinafter called the “Vendor”) of the One part

Miss ________________________, Age ____ years (hereinafter called the “Vendee”) of the Other part.

Witnesseth as follows:

the Vendor is the absolute owner, having acquired the property, which is more specifically and
clearly delineated in the schedule hereto, by inheritance / by partition of joint family properties/
by release/by gift / by gift settlement / by will / by sale executed by
…………………………………and registered as document No…………of………………. of

Book…………………Volume No…………………..Pages……………….in the office of the
Registrar / Sub-Registrar…………………………………… and since then he is in the
possession and absolute enjoyment thereof.

Whereas the vendor intends to sell away the said property mentioned in the schedule and
whereas the Vendee offered to purchase it for a sum of Rs…………………..for which the
Vendor accepted and has agreed to sell the same to the Vendee.


That in consideration of payment of Rs…………………(Rupees ) by cash/by Cheque No. Date:
/by Demand Draft No………………Date……………….by the Vendee to the Vendor/paid in the
presence of the Sub-Registrar, the receipt of which the Vendor hereby acknowledges, the Vendor
hereby sells, conveys, transfers and assigns unto the Vendee all his rights, title and interest, claim
and demand whatsoever in the schedule mentioned property and delivers vacant possession
thereof to the Vendee to hold the same absolutely for ever free from all encumbrances, together
with all water sources, privileges, easements, appurtenances or any other things hidden in the
earth belonging to or appurtenant thereto.

The Vendor further agrees to indemnify the Vendee and keep him free from disputes if any
raised or objections made to this conveyance by any one and further should any claim be made
or dispute raised at any time of any one in regard to this sale, the vendor hereby undertakes that
he shall, at his own cost, settle the same and execute or cause to be executed such further acts,
deeds and things as to more fully effectively convey title to the property hereby sold and
conveyed to the Vendee.

The Vendor also assures the Vendee that if there remains any liability of taxes or rates for the
said property to the Municipal Corporation / Municipality / Panchayat or other Government or
statutory authorities upto the date of this conveyance, the Vendor shall clear the same and in case
the same are collected from the Vendee, the Vendor shall pay the same to the vendee.

The Vendee is hereby entitled to get the said property transferred in his name in all Panchayat /
Municipal/ Municipal Corporation records and enjoy the same with absolute rights forever.

All that piece and parcel of the land measuring ———- Square yards or acres Square
meters/Guntas / cents in Survey No./T.S.No.——– together with the house bearing D.No. ——–
—- with a plinth area of square feet ————, situated at ———— covered by ward No……..
Block No….. of Municipal Corporation Area/Municipal Area/ Panchayat Board area and Sub-
District and ——————-.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the VENDOR and the VENDEE have signed this SALE DEED at —
——– on the date first mentioned above in the presence of the following witnesses: